Slaithwaite C of E Junior and Infant School

Slaithwaite C of E Junior and Infant School

Enjoy, Aspire, Achieve

Holme Lane, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 5UG

01484 506463

School day

School day



School Session Times

School opens at 8:45 for all pupils

Register closes at 9am


Our School Day- 32.5 hours per week

8:50am- 9:10am – Morning Work

9:10am-10:00am – Phonics

10:00am-10:30am – Session 2

10:30am-10:45pm – Breaktime

10:45pm-12:00pm – Session 3

12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunchtime

1:05pm-1:20pm – Worship

1:20pm-2:25pm - Session 4

2:25pm-3:20pm - Session 5

3:20pm- School closes for all pupils

 Please note - the school day differs each day due to different events, however, this is the approximate overview.

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time everyday!





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