Slaithwaite C of E Junior and Infant School

Slaithwaite C of E Junior and Infant School

Enjoy, Aspire, Achieve

Holme Lane, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 5UG

01484 506463

About our School

About our School



Slaithwaite C.E J.I School is a Local Authority Maintained school. It was built in the 1960’s and has extensive outdoor spaces and facilities to support outdoor learning. We are a Church of England school and have strong links with the Diocese and our local church and parish community, St James in Slaithwaite. We have 6 classes in school, 3 in KS1 (not mixed age) and 3 in KS2 which are mixed age.

The school is popular in the village and we are always above PAN (23) each year with a number of appeals for places. We have good links with all our local pre-school providers and those out of the area.

The school has close links with our local Playgroup, Childminders and After school club and we work in partnership to provide wrap-round care where required.

Our outdoor environment is extensive along with our commitment to learning outdoors, we have been awarded Green Flag status for the past 12 years. We have Forest School sessions weekly.

KS1 classes and the EYFS class work in parallel forming our Key Stage 1 provision. Phonics is taught in differentiated groups across the key stage each morning.

We are part of the Colne Valley pyramid of schools who are increasingly collaborating on developments within the areas of Maths, Literacy, SEN and assessment.  The school is also part of an Additional Needs Partnership with several local schools which draws upon all the expertise of a wider range of professionals including Kirklees educational psychologists.  

As a village school we take a full and active role in the annual village celebrations. These include the Moonraker Festival (February), Christmas Lights (December), along with many of the services and events at St James’ church.

We have a number of Foundation governors who work with school staff, children and parents across a wide range of activities over the year. These opportunities enrich the schools existing provision in support of the children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.



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